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To have a look at some of my more successful kitchen creations and my wax works, click on the buttons below! 


Hand Drawing

Simple little things can sometimes be super pretty. I literally grabbed and old glass (I think it was an old nutella jar that we washed and reused as a little glass tumbler) I bought a bunch of those glass pebbles online, placed them on the glass with blu-tac temporarily and coloured the back of them and super glued them on! Looks nice and all you gotta do is pop in a little tealight candle and this thing is gorgeous shining in the dark!

Three Buttons

I love the Marvel universe and fancied a crafty day. Took out the draws and spray painted them black and left to dry. Once the draws were dry I lightly drew on the images and then painted on. I then dipped old newspaper in glue and plastered the outer part. I used my paper cutting tools and cut out the Marvel text from a print out I found on google, used a sponge and went over the stencil. Not too shabby for a couple of hours work. Super cute I think ;)


This is one of my craft from the phenomenal Paper Panda (first seen on Facebook, check out the link at the end to have a look at all of her kits!) This one was made for my sister and niece. As my gorgeous niece was 10 weeks premature, she was this tiny little fragile bean that for the first few months we only saw connected to all of these wires that just consumed every inch of her. I gave this to my sister the first time I ever got to hold Grace and it was just incredible holding this tiny little bundle of gorgeousness in my arms who had already won the hearts of everyone who even knew about her and she had absolutely no idea how special she was. My sister's favourite book to read to her was "Guess How Much I Love You" who has a character called Nutbrown Hare and so this cutting of these mamma and baby bunnies was just far too perfect.


Guess How Much I Love You book:

Photo 21-04-2015, 8 27 47 pm.jpg

I also treated myself to a few of the Paper Panda kits in the past and they are absolutely delightful. A tricky and intricate craft but it just looks stunning!

Here are a few others I have completed.

Shes on Facebook and has a website where you can buy the kits and templates!

Click on her logo to visit her site.


Photo 21-04-2015, 8 29 11 pm.jpg

I made this for my nephews first Christmas. I was at such a loss when thinking of gifts so decided to make something instead. I always think handmade gifts are so much more personal and thoughtful. 

I'm wanting to do a lot more for friends and families little ones. So hopefully soon I'll have a whole animal alphabet gallery up!

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Photo 31-10-2018, 7 51 50 am.jpg

The absolute most fun a girl can have on a bus when dressed like this...

Halloween 2018. I was up at 6 and it took me two hours, a whole tube of liquid latex and a metric sh*t ton of fake blood by the end... My face was so scratchy but it was totally worth it because I made a child cry on the bus... 

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