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Life in Crystal

You want to know what I’m really like?

I’m a geode. I am an open geode.

To understand who I am, I need to be broken.

I have been broken; I have been smashed and shattered.

But all that pain in me rose up and flowed out,

Flowed out in crystallised shards, shining my colours,

I am made of greatness.

You can break me down, I am raw.

I bare all my colours to the sun, nothing left to hide.

My life is a dysfunctional poem that the pages of a book cannot handle.

Push me down; I’ll get back up.

I know I’m better than that.

And when the day comes when we are judged,

Will you be content with how you’ve lived?

Will you regret your actions towards me?

Will you accept the decisions you’ve made?

Will you know who you really are?

Because I know who I am.

I am me.



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