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Bored? What to do in isolation

So, some of us have been off since the start of the week, some since last week some for longer and some not at all.

For those who have been working from home/in self-isolation for a while without being able to do your usual job, you may have run out of things to do; either yourself or with your little ones if you've got sprogs.

You may have cleaned the house, skirting boards and all, or had a full wardrobe clear out already!

I was just saying the other day, imagine how sparkly and clean our houses will be after all this!

If there is one thing that has blown me away with this Covid-19 outbreak, it is the overwhelming sense of community and people helping others throughout this time. Whether it is someone going to the shop for their elderly neighbour, local shops & businesses donating cleaning supplies and food and shelter to NHS/care/key workers and anything else.

Before I go any further, I want to say the biggest thank you to every single person who is still going to work to ensure this world runs and people have what they need.

This includes NHS and care workers, bin men, lorry/delivery drivers, supermarket employees and every single other career that is still a necessity throughout this time. (I'll be applauding at 8pm tonight!)

I wanted to make a fun little list for anyone who has run out of things to do or has brain fog on ideas while we're stuck at home!

As it totally bloody typical of British weather, we've had a cold, rubbish few months and now we're all on lock down the sun is shining and it's the warmest it's been all year.

While we all wish we could go out in this glorious weather, wish we were sat in a beer garden with a cold drink, sunnies on as a waft of a nearby BBQ floats your way.

Unfortunately, life is cruel and we've having to be stuck inside our homes every day other than a single form of exercise outdoors.

Or are we?

Sometimes, technology can be a hinderance and a pin and interfere with things. But I think we should dive in and explore everything it has to offer.

If you are an art/museum lover, do not fret! Museums all over the world are offering free virtual tours!

The Royal Opera House is offering free streaming of ballet and opera

You can even visit the damn Great Wall of China!

and so many more...

Speaking of virtual tours,

Houston Space Centre are giving virtual tours, as is NASA at their Goddard Flight Centre! (who, by the way, are now accepting applications for new astronauts for Mars/The Moon. But it closes on March 31st!)

National parks in America are available to have a mooch around, too!

Legendary guitar manufacturer Fender, are actually offering free guitar lessons during times of self-isolation.

Not only that, zoos and other animal parks all over the world are setting up live streaming videos of the animal enclosures so people have the chance to see the wonderful creatures at all times!

But don't let your eyes suffer at the increased screen exposure time. Give your peepers a rest every so often.

For a few non-technology ideas of things to do, have a neb at some of these!

Get in the garden

It's sunny, you wanna be outside, why not start some gardening! If you're lucky enough to have a big spacious garden filled with plants and beautiful things that grow, give that a little TLC. If you've got a bit of a smaller garden with fewer shrubs, maybe just have a neaten up. Tidy up the weeds, give it a rake or brush and get rid of any rubbish lying round. We even mowed the lawn!

It feels so much better to be outside and get some fresh air, so do try and nip into the garden if possible. If not, open all your windows for a few hours, it'll air out your house and make everything so much fresher!

Do that thing you've been putting off

Whether it's that cupboard under the stairs that desperately needs organising, or the pile of laundry that's bee growing bigger and bigger with everyone home, do it! Hang your laundry outside if you can, it'll dry in no time with this weather! Sort through your handbag/purse/wallet. Sort through your make-up drawer. Clean your brushes. Go through that pile of unopened post by the front door. Have a sort through your kitchen cupboards! At a time like this it is important to ensure you have enough food until you're able to go out again. So get checking those tins of beans hidden at the back!

Rediscover old loves

Whether it's and old video game you've not played in months/years and you suppose you could give it a go. If you've got a book you started at the beginning of the year but forgot about a fortnight in and never picked it up again, give it a read. Or re-read an old favourite. Pick up your guitar that's been leaning in the corner covered in dust and give it a play. If you've got an indoor hobby, get back to that! Get your old favourite albums out if you've got them on vinyl or CD and blast them out. If you have a favourite meal that you've not had in a long time, providing you've got. the ingredients, have a cooking session and make some great dishes. Grab your pencils and paintbrushes and go nuts on a canvas.

Find brand new loves

If you don't have the instruments/ingredients/means to do a favourite hobby, why not discover a brand new one. I've seen endless posts on Facebook and social media of people sharing live videos on a multitude of subjects from crafts to fitness! If you have a scroll around, I'm positive you're sure to come across one. Maybe try your hand at calligraphy. Have a research of a topic you've always been a bit interested in. Learn a new language! Take up a new craft. Why not try writing? You might be a dab hand at DIY but you won't know until you grab a hammer. If you're lucky to live in the countryside or. somewhere easily accessible by foot, take your camera phone/digital camera and have a little nature photo shoot.

Keep your brain active

It can be very dull and monotonous being inside all day, working if you have to work, but going from the bedroom to the office or living room or straight up to do jobs or see to kids. We need to remember to not become socially inept humans. If you play sudoku or word/number games, keep playing them! Have a look for brain training exercises online. Check out these fun links:

Luminosity (daily brain training activities)

Give yourself a break

It is going to be hectic for a while. It will be a while before we're back to pre-virus normality. In the mean time, for those who aren't able to work from home or have a miniature humans to be responsible for, you're probably running out of things to do and your brain feels like jelly and you're just stretching yourself a bit too thin. Have a pamper day/night/as long as you can get to yourself. Start by changing the bed sheets. If you like them, have a loooooooong hot bath full of bubbles and salts and maybe a bath bomb? Light some candles, lay in silence or put some gentle music on. Read a book if you want. Then get into some fresh clean pjs and snuggle down in your fresh bed, stick on a film or show, put a face mask on, make some popcorn, do your nails and just chill.

If you're missing friends, you can host a group video call and have yourself a virtual dinner party, organise a drinks and games night with quizzes (that's my plan for tonight!)

If you've got any fun ideas and activities for time in isolation, let me know!

Stay safe. Stay home.

Peace & love,




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